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Technology Projects

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I intend to work on some of the following projects to build up a powerful tech environment for myself:
1. Diary Automation : A system to pick up messages and images from my whatsapp diary and automatically archive them in a private repository. The respository itself should have an easy to browse UI, which is also easy search and build on. Aside from the whatsapp diary there should be easy to use input mechanisms to add more private diary notes as well. Further, figure out how to use APIs to automatically pull whatsapp messages (summary from multiple contacts), social media posts/feed, images from the day. All other pulled content should be an appendix to the day, with the diary (written+ whatsapp) being the main content. Other features to easily select and use tidbits in blogs or a book, will be useful.
2. Text Summarisation : Reuse an available online tool or python package to summarise text from different sources. improve upon algorithm as possible. Reuse this text summarisation tool wherever useful.
3. News Automation : A system to pick up news from a list of verified websites. The URLs of the news articles should be saved in a database against the day. Each of the articles should also be processed. The output should be a summarised version of the top stories, with links to the full, detailed story. This output should come up in an easy to use way on my website, on whatsapp and through my own mobile app.
4. Text to Audio : Reuse an available online tool or python package to convert text to audio. Reuse this tool wherever useful.
5. Financial Planner Automation : Automate as many repeated activities as possible in my personal finances. Some of these activities might include reading transactions from my card statement, and updating of the sheet.
6. Newsletter & Social Media Handle Automation : A system that routinely picks up the latest updates on my site, some interesting random articles, relevant news etc and creates an email newsletter. Similarly it can create other useful posts for social media sites. This tool should automatically send out the newsletter by syncing up with a tool like substack, and similarly automatically handle some social media handles.
7. Fitness Tracker Automation : A system to automate tracking of fitness (exercise and diet). It should automate whatever is already being done in my fitness tracker. This should have interfaces with my mobile applications.
8. Entertainment Tracker Automation : A system to automate tracking of entertainment (movies, shows, books & music). It should automate whatever is already being done in my entertainment trackers. This should have interfaces with my mobile applications.
9. Social Life Tracker Automation : A system to automate tracking of social life (reminders to contact friends and store information on them). It should automate whatever is already being done in my social life tracker. This should have interfaces with my mobile applications.
10. ToDos Automation : A system that links up my google calendar, gmail, google sheets and [[ whatsapp todos ]] and automates movement of information across them. This should have interfaces with my mobile applications.
11. super app : Link APIs of my most frequently used mobile apps and websites to my website and mobile applications. This should help pick up useful information, speed up my frequent operations and make my mobile app and website act like a super app for my personal activities.
I have also glossed over a fundamental assumption I have made here. I have assumed that my website will act as a sort of backbone for all my tech projects. To this end, my digital garden project is also pretty fundamental.
12. Gamify my Mobile App : Use learnings from my gamification course, [[ strategy board games ]] and habitica to gamify my tech environment through my mobile applications and website and my daily todos.
13. Book Pipeline Automation : A system to automate the list of books on my to read list from my entertainment trackers and to auto push to kindle or audible. Further, this should help automate my pipeline of highlights and notes from what I'm reading. It should easily move towards my onenote and obsidian.
14. Mobile App Games : A mobile app which contains a range of games. A lot of these can derive from my [[ strategy board games ]]. A lot of drinking games and other socially derived fun game ideas can be loaded into this. This can maybe sync up and be a part of my mobile applications.
15. Story Web Online Tool : An online tool as a part of the website, which uses a note like structure to create a navigable web of short stories / chapters. This should pick up from all of the things learned in literature to create wiki pages for characters, locations and events. The web should be navigable in diffferent ways to view the same story differently.

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